Silver Book Award

Ariessy of Midgard

The Literary Titan Silver Book Award is granted to books that demonstrate notable merit in the realm of literary creation. This award acknowledges books that deliver engaging and inventive content with a distinctive voice. We commend the careful cultivation of unique characters or subjects and their placement in an enriching and captivating context.

It values works that successfully introduce or support interesting concepts, through a well-structured narrative in fiction. The award is an esteemed recognition of books that exhibit substantial talent, creativity, and commitment to the craft of writing.

Editorial reviews

Ariessy of Midgard

The Wishing Shelf

A fast-paced, fantasy adventure with a strong and relatable protagonist. Highly recommended! I do enjoy a good fantasy adventure. I like them fast-paced with plenty of twists and packed full of compelling characters. And I’m happy to report, that Ariessy of Midgard ticks every box. Overall, this is a thrilling story, and I'd recommend it to readers who enjoy skilfully plotted fantasy novels populated with fully formed characters - and plenty of problems for the protagonist to solve.”

Literary Titan

“'Ariessy of Midgard' is an emotional fantasy adventure story that expertly hits all the right notes for young adult fantasy fans looking for an easy story with a unique blend of Norse mythology to get lost in. There is an alluring romantic aspect woven throughout this novel. At the start of the book, it seems like the story might be a little similar to Harry Potter, but it quickly turns into a fantastic combination of magic and mythology. The beauty of the Welsh countryside provides a captivating setting for the intrigue of Norse legends as Essy's preconceptions are challenged and changed with an alarming quickness. Ariessy's is an emotive and engaging character who is headstrong and intelligent. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of the story and had a hard time putting it down. The blend of existing mythology and the magic system created by Arthur make for a riveting story. ”